If You Suspect You have been OverCharged by Your Lawyers...
may be able to assist you.
"No Reduction - No Fee"
Take our short FairLegalFees Quiz to see if you qualify for our 20 minute Obligation Free Telephone or Skype discussion about your case and your Overcharged Excessive Legal Fees and a reduction and refund of your legal costs.
Hi, My name is Kate O'Brien. I am not a Lawyer and cannot and do not give legal advice. I am a legal costs consultant. I also like to be called "Themis - the Divine Lady of Justice". You know, the statue in front of Law Courts.
The sword I hold is to fight Lawyers who overcharge their client's with Excessive Legal Costs. I call this "Lawyer-Theft" and my passion and mission in life is to expose those thieving Lawyers and bring them to Justice by reducing those excessive legal fess and where necessary, make them refund those excessive legal costs to their past vulnerable clients.
I have learnt so much from my husband's law firm and we specialises in reducing excessive legal costs. We live and work on the Mid North Coast of NSW.
I think it is disgusting how much some Lawyers charge and how they get away with it, especially the way Lawyers apply their Six Minute Minimum Time Unit (SMMU) Lawyers insert in their Costs Agreement with their vulnerable clients who are in a very stressful situation which the Lawyer takes advantage of.
If you Suspect you have been Overcharged Legal Costs by your Lawyer Contact Me.

Watch My Video on the SMMU